If a student is absent from school, a parent should notify the school by phone at 636-891-6115 as to the cause of the absence. A note from parents for each absence will also be appreciated. Please try to call between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. to report a student absence.
Rockwood School District Attendance Policy
The purpose of the attendance policy of the Rockwood School District is to encourage regular school attendance. The Board of Education believes that regular and punctual attendance is an important factor in a student's success in school.
An integral part of the learning experience is the interaction between students and teachers. Students who are absent from school are not able to participate in class discussions, small-group activities, or class experiments. They miss out on explanations of concepts and ideas that will appear on homework assignments and tests. A student missing school results in poor work habits, lower grades, lower self-esteem, and a lack of self-discipline.
Since there is a direct relationship between attendance, grades and success in school, the Board of Education believes that students must maintain a good attendance record. This attendance policy has attempted to establish reasonable standards regarding absences with the purpose of encouraging and supporting students toward achieving the highest possible academic success.
Selvidge Attendance Procedures
Excusable Absences
- death in the student's immediate family
- illness of the student
- doctor and dental appointments
- certain days for religious observances
- court appearance
When a family is leaving town and desires to take the student with them, they may be excused up to five school days provided the following is done:
- The school must be notified in advance by writing a letter or email to Mrs. Kimberly Kroner, Attendance Secretary, stating the reason for the absence.
- The Principal must approve the absence prior to the first day of the absence.
- After approval, the student procures assignments in advance of the absence.
- All assignments are due at the beginning of each class period upon the day of return to school.
- All tests, etc. are made up at the direction of the individual teacher.
Absences for all other reasons are inexcusable and will be treated as truancy.
Total Absences
Parents will be notified by phone or mail when their child has three (3) unexcused absences from the same class and again when their child has six (6) total absences from the same class.
- On the fourth (4) unexcused absence from the same class, the parents will be notified by mail.
- On the eighth (8) total absence from the same class, the parents will be notified by mail.
- On the fifth (5) unexcused absence from the same class, the parents will be notified by a certified letter explaining that future unexcused absences will result in loss of credit.
- On the tenth (10) total absence from the same class, parents will be notified by a certified letter explaining that future absences must be accompanied by a doctor's statement defining the nature of the illness or a loss of credit will result.
- On any absence in excess of ten (10) from the same class in one semester, parents will be notified by certified mail of the student's loss of credit.
Administrative Review
If a student has been notified of loss of credit because of excessive absences, the parents or student may request a conference at school with the administration to discuss possible reinstatement of credit.
Parental Request
When parents request that students leave the campus during the school day, a note from home will be required, and a "permit-to-leave" must be secured in the office. During the school day, students must secure permission from the office before missing a class or leaving the campus. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action. Parents will be notified and a parental conference will be required prior to the student returning to school.
Other Situations
Students who have been absent because of injuries or communicable diseases must see the nurse before returning to class.
In the middle and high school, attendance shall be checked and recorded each class period. Students participating in school-sponsored activities are not considered absent. Students must be in attendance at school for more than 50% of the school day in order to participate in any after school functions.
Late Arrival/Truancy
Students arriving late to school must be signed in by a parent with the attendance secretary. Please see the Excusable Absences section for valid tardies to school. In general, late arrivals to school will be treated as an attendance issue. Unexcused tardies to school will be dealt with according to Tardy/Truancy Policy.