Student Behavior Expectations
The Student Code of Conduct is designed to foster student responsibility, respect for the rights of others, and to ensure the orderly operation of District schools. No code can be expected to list each and every offense which may result in the use of disciplinary action. However, it is the purpose of this code to list certain offenses, which if committed by a student, will result in the imposition of a certain disciplinary action. Any conduct not included herein, or any aggravated circumstance of any offense or action involving a combination of offenses may result in disciplinary consequences that extend beyond this code of conduct as determined by the principal, Superintendent/designee and/or Board.
The classroom teacher is the person in charge at all times. Students are expected to:
- Be respectful to self and others.
- Be responsible for his/her actions and how they affect others.
- Be prepared with materials and mentally ready to learn.
When the Selvidge Code of Conduct is breached, the following interventions may occur.
- Teacher-student conference
- Student detention after school
- Parent contact by phone
- Student-counselor conference
- Student-teacher-counselor conference
- Parent conference
- Team meeting
- Student-administrator conference
- In-school suspension
- Out-of-school suspension
- Any other action deemed necessary by the administration to correct the problem.
- Alternative learning placement
- Care Team Referral
Student Standards of Conduct
Discipline policies are important for the maintenance of an atmosphere where orderly learning is possible and encouraged.
All district personnel responsible for the care and supervision of students are authorized to hold every pupil strictly accountable for any disorderly conduct in school or on returning from school, during school-sponsored activities, or during intermission or recess periods.
Behavioral Expectations
The following rules and procedures reflect both policies of the Rockwood School District and Selvidge Middle School.
Student discipline records are kept confidential. Information from these records would only be released to the appropriate parties as defined in the Missouri Safe Schools Act. The statement '...and documentation in student's discipline record.' indicates that a permanent record of the student conduct is made and would be forwarded to another school should the student transfer.
Please refer to Rockwood, Policies and Procedures for Secondary Students given to all students upon enrollment, for complete text on Rockwood Policies.
Any time a referral that warrants formal disciplinary action is submitted, a reasonable effort will be made by the principal to either contact the parent/guardian by written notice delivered by the student, through the mail, or by direct telephone contact.
Behavior Interventions
Throughout a lesson, teachers use a wide variety of teaching strategies and classroom management techniques in order to ensure that learning takes place. In addition to these, a teacher may utilize many resources such as parents, the counselor, and the grade level administrator. The behavior interventions outlined below are in effort to keep students in school.
Office Referral
The grade level administrator will handle office referrals, both positive and negative. The outcomes will be based upon district policy.
Counselor Referral
Teachers may refer students to their grade level counselor for a variety of reasons such as academic success, peer interactions, leadership roles, and behavior. The counselor will discuss the situation with the student in confidence and serve as a liaison between the student, parent and teacher.
Guest Teacher Behavior Guidelines
Exemplary behavior is expected from students at all times, especially during visits from guest teachers. When a student is reported to the classroom teacher by a guest teacher as having been disruptive to the learning environment, the classroom teacher will conference with the student and contact a parent. The teacher may also assign a classroom detention. Severe or subsequent offenses of guest teacher misbehavior may be referred to the office for additional disciplinary action.
Hallway Behavior Guidelines
Students shall not verbally harass other students, run, push, shove, or engage in horseplay when in the school building or on the school grounds. Students should not congregate and block the flow of traffic in the hallways or common areas. Students do not pass through classes, including the gym, during passing periods or while classes are in session. Appropriate consequences may include detention, in-school suspension, parent conference, and/or suspension.
Students who are out of class at a time other than passing periods must have a hall pass signed by their teacher or other staff member, travel with a teacher or staff member, or be carrying a colored-coded restroom pass. If a student violates this rule, disciplinary action will result. Appropriate action may include detention, in-school suspension, parent conference, and/or suspension.
Emergency Preparedness
Students are expected to know and follow all emergency preparedness procedures. In addition, they are expected to follow all directions given to them by staff members during fire, earthquake, intruder, and tornado drills.